Lieutenant Lawrence William Walsh

Date of Birth 06/03/1889
Age at Death 29
Date of Death 28/10/1918
Service Number
Military Service 85th Wing Royal Air Force
Merton Address 252 Haydons Road, Wimbledon
Local Memorial Rutlish School, Merton

Additional Information

Lawrence was born in Kennington in 1889 to William and Sarah Walsh. He was the youngest of 4, with three older sisters: Lilian, Mabel, and Gertrude. The family lived at 2 Haydons Road in Wimbledon, later moving to 252 Haydons Road.
Lawrence attended Rutlish School.
His father, William worked as a tailor’s cutter, and eventually became a tailor, and Lawrence appears to have followed in his footsteps, as he is listed as a tailor’s cutter on the 1911 census, when he was staying with a master tailor in Barnes who appears to have been his employer.

He enlisted with the RAF and was killed on 28 October 1918. He left £122 to his father.


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