Private Sidney Albert Duffin

Date of Birth 27 January 1898
Age at Death 20
Date of Death 13 November 1918
Service Number 293759
Military Service Middlesex Regiment
Merton Address
Local Memorial Streatham Park Cemetery

Additional Information

Sidney Duffin was born in Walworth on 27 January 1898 and baptised in St John, Walworth on 18 February 1898. His father James was shown as “a Purveyor of Horse Flesh” on the 1901 census though he had been a “General dealer” on Sidney’s baptism record.
Sidney was the fourth of five children with siblings James, Edith, Jon and Alec and he attended Mantua Street School in Battersea from 22 August 1904.
By the 1911 census they had moved from York Road, Battersea to 95 High Street, Battersea and Sidney’s father had died.
He was 20 years old when he died in 1918. He served in the Labour Corps before being transferred to the Middlesex Regiment.
He is buried in plot 9.0670 at Streatham Park Cemetery and the CWGC website shows that his mother, Mrs M A Duffin, was a widow and still living at 95 High Street Battersea. The Civil Registration Death Index for October-December 1918 shows that Sidney died in Epsom.


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