Private Thomas Samuel Fido

Date of Birth c. 1896
Age at Death 22
Date of Death 02/03/1918
Service Number 203814
Military Service 23rd Batt Duke of Cambridge’s Own (Middlesex)
Merton Address
Local Memorial Streatham Park Cemetery

Additional Information

Thomas was born in Southwark where he grew up with his six older brothers and sisters, Eliza, Charles, John, Agnes, Clara and Elizabeth and his younger sister May. His father, Charles, was a carman and his mother’s name was Eliza.
He was baptised on 24 April 1898 at St Saviour, Southwark.
After the start of WW1, Thomas joined the London Regiment but later transferred to the 23rd Battalion Duke of Cambridge’s Own (Middlesex) Regiment.
He married Prudence Mary Colton in the early part of 1917 and their daughter Prudence was born on 15 June 1917.
Thomas was in Tunbridge Wells when he died on 2 March 1918 and was buried in Streatham Park Cemetery.


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